viernes, 8 de diciembre de 2017


In this piece of news, we can see how Japan’s roughed their legislation in reference to go-karts driving in Japan’s streets. This happens because there is a tendency in Japan of costuming up as Mario’s character and drive a kart inside of Tokyo and the tourists are starting to do this massively. This leads to some problems, such as there is no actual legislation of go-karts running down Tokyo. However, this was solved, adding some requisites to the karts, such as safety belt, regulating how the kart has to be…etc.
This news is really funny because it shows how sometimes we are really weird. Is there an actual necessity of dressing up as a Mario Kart player and drive a kart in Tokyo’s streets? However, good point for the Japanese community that they have improved the safety in the streets, so even if it is freak, it is a good action.



In this other piece of news, a black girl who is a student in a high school in Houston, Texas has sued his school for not accomplishing the expectations of what’s supposed to be a school in the United States; free and equal. She has refused to do the Pledge of Allegiance, before starting every class. She calls out that she has been bullied for refusing to stand on that pledge and also that she hasn’t received any help from her school’s principals.
This is a rough news, because it shows how even in the United States of America, where everyone is supposed to have rights and be free there is still discrimination, and people who fight against that is often bullied. She is from Texas, what is considered one of the most conservative states in America, what makes everything even worse because it shows how we haven’t progressed not even a little bit with the objective of respect humanity in every human being on Earth.



In this piece of news, a denounce is done to a film director, Bryan Singer. In this one, a boy named Cesar Sanchez-Guzman allegedly says that he was sexually abused in a yacht, when the film director invited him to a room, locked the door and asked him to perform sexual activities against his will. Singer’s legal representative says that his client receives these kinds of accusations really often and that he refuses to have done any of these.
The worst part of this news is that we will never know what has happened to the boy. Either he only wants to win a trial and get some free money, or he was in fact abused, we will never know. The film director’s representative is for sure much better than the boy’s, so it is evident that the trial will be won by him. Also, he wants to demand the boy for malicious prosecution so we can see that there is only one possibility when the trial will be fair. However, it also exists the other possibility, which makes the legal system a complete mess.

Bryan Singer



Basically, in this piece of news, it is explained that a woman who was a priestess has been killed to death by her brother together with her wife. The incident had happened the night of the 8th of December of 2017 in Tokyo, Japan, near a Shinto shrine. It is believed that the siblings had some religious feuds and they solved it using force. Apparently, the brother has killed his sister by stabbing her several times using a katana and his wife has stabbed with knives the priestess’ driver.
It seems that the incident has occurred because of a stupid reason, but it is another way of remarking how many conflicts religion can make, even between members of the same family. I think that this should be investigated, because it's not another conflict due to discrepancies between members of the same religion, it has something to do with inheritance of a charge, in this case, a religious charge, so this kind of topics should be deeply investigated with the objective of making a safer world for everyone.


In this piece of news, it is explained that a Police patrol found a cannabis seize near Crete’s coast and it was worth it 71 million euros. This happened the 8th of December of 2017. The travelling of the illegal drug was between Cyprus and Malta, near Greece’s territory coasts. Actually, the drug was hidden in a boat in a quantity of six tonnes. Six men, allegedly from Syria were arrested.
I think this kind of news is really funny because it’s kind of stupid how many drugs are circulating near us and we don’t even know what happens in our seas. I would never think that these kinds of astronomical money are travelling in our sea, but indeed it does.


Years ago, it wasn't frowned upon to kill someone if this has committed an unjust act and, even more, many of them were executed in public in order to educate everybody and show what could be his punishment.

Now, there are lots of offenders, criminals, murderers, etc. that have committed some crimes and they are just brought into the prison. There, they not only have better living conditions (majority of cases), but also have lots of enjoyable activities to do and any kind of hard works.
In addition, they have the opportunity to walk out of prison having the confidence of those who have accepted their release and, again, in many cases they make the same mistakes.

For this reason, I agree with death penalty. It should be brought back again in order to impart justice and punishing them fairly. If you take another human being’s life, you should be courted in the same way.
It could be hard to watch and even more to do it, but when we talk about justice we are not talking to give a better life and a second chance to those who at some point of his life has killed somebody or has raped somebody violently, or has torture somebody.

Although this may seem contradictory to kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong, it can not be admissible and act as though nothing happened, because if they have been able to kill people, they can do it again.