lunes, 18 de abril de 2016



In 2016 the world will commemorate 400 years since the death of William Shakespeare.This special anniversary year is a truly unique opportunity to visit his home town Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire to celebrate the lasting legacy of the world's greatest playwright. 
Shakespeare400 is a set of major cultural , creative and educational organizations , coordinated by the Kings College London. which will mark the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death in 2016.


Stratford-upon-Avon, is the place were William Shakespeare  was born, grew up and played. He ate meals in the hall and he slept and dreamt in these rooms. Shakespeare also spent the first five years of married life in this house with his new wife.. Set in the beautiful rural Warwickshire countryside, on the banks of the river Avon, it is one of the most important tourist destinations in the UK. 


Shakespeare’s wife, Anne Hathaway, was born in 1556.  Shakespeare was eight years younger than her.  When they married in 1582 he was eighteen and she was twenty-six. She was pregnant at the time and whatever their relationship was like – which we don’t know anything about – he had no alternative other than to marry her because it was socially unacceptable for a woman of her standing to have  a child without being married.


The original theater was built in 1599 for the theater company of William Shakespeare. Many of his masterpieces were created to be represented at the Globe , becoming one of the most successful theaters in London. In 1613 one of the performances was plunged into chaos when the thatched roof caught fire and the fire ended up destroying the theater. On the same ground one second theater that served as headquarters of Shakespeare's company until 1642 , when all the city's theaters were closed by the English Puritan Administration was built. To be out of use, in 1644 the theater was demolished. In 1949, actor , director and producer Sam Wanamaker made ​​a trip to London and , noting with disappointment how there was only a commemorative plaque as a tribute to Shakespeare in 1970 began to raise funds for the reconstruction of the theater . After his death in 1997 the faithful reproduction of the theater building was completed.


William Shakespeare wrote different kind of plays: tragedy, comdey, dramatic histories,... Some of them are these: Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet,  Titus Andronicus, The two noble Kinsmen, The History of Cardenio, As you like it, All's well that ends. 
Romeo and Juliet is one of his most important works, is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. 


William Shakespeare lived in the Elizabethan era when the bubonic plague, sometimes referred to as the Black Death, was virulent. He was known to have a terrible fear of the deadly disease and its consequences and this is hardly surprising as it touched so many areas of his life including his life as an actor at the Globe Theater. There were high mortality rates amongst Elizabethan children and this was true of the brothers and sisters of Shakespeare some of whom were struck down by the Bubonic  plague (Black Death).


Romeo and Juliet belongs to a tradition of tragic romances stretching back to antiquity. The plot is based on an Italian tale translated into verse as The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet by Arthur Brooke in 1562. Shakespeare borrowed heavily from both, but expanded the plot by developing a number of supporting characters, particularly Mercutio and Paris. Believed to have been written between 1591 and 1595, the play was first published in a quarto version in 1597.


The poet was throughout his life greatly indebted to the patronage and support of royal and noble personages; his royal patrons were Queen Elizabeth and King James I, both of whom greatly loved the drama. The virgin queen devoted herself to the study of the ancient classical period; she also delighted in our own theatrical entertainments, and used her influence in the progress of the English drama, and fostered the inimitable genius of Shakespeare.


The defeat of the Spanish Armada remains the most glorious event remembered of Elizabeth's reign: the forces of Europe's mightiest Catholic power were confounded by English sea dogs and "Protestant gales." William Shakespeare's plays, after the british victory over the Spanish armada in 1588, were very influenced by the new sense of English national identity.


Dius que estimes la pluja, peró obres el paraigua cuan plou. 
Dius que estimes el sol, peró trobes un punt d'ombre cuan el sol brilla. 
Dius que estimes el vent, però tanques les finestres quan el vent bufa.
Aquesta es la raó per la qual tinc por, també dius que m'estimes. 

               - William Shakespeare


                L'expectativa és l'arrel 
                 de tots els mals de cap. 

                             - William Shakespeare

lunes, 11 de abril de 2016


Last year I went with my family to Florida, United States. We stayed  one week, and I enjoyed a lot. The people were very friendly and nice, and we had a lot of fun. We went in March, and it was very hot.
The first day: We arrived at the airport in Miami Beach, we picked up the rented car and went straight to the Hilton Miami Downtown and at night we went dinner at Hooters, a fast food restaurant.                       
The second day: We take breakfast at Ihop restaurant and then we toured the city of Miami Beach and in the afternoon we went for a walk to the coast of  Miami. This city has one of the best beaches I have ever seen. The water has a very clear turquoise colour, and the sand is white and very thin. 
The third day: We take breakfast in the hotel, after that, we heanded to Orlando, the city where there are one of the largest parks in the world, Walt Disney. 
Although the trip was a little long, about four hours, the scenery was very beautiful. 
When we arrived to the hotel Courtyard Orlando Downtown we left the suitcases and we made a visit to Billie Swamp Safari to see crocodiles.
At night , we dined at Chilli's, and then went to see the show of the Blue Man Group at the  Orlando Resort Universal.
The fourth day: We take breakfast at the starbucks coffee,  and then we went to the Walt Disney park. The truth is that is even more impressive than the one in Paris. That day I had so much fun , I looked like a girl of four years old or worse. I took pictures with all the Disney characters: Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Jessie, Buzz, Woody...
The fifth day: We take breakfast in the hotel, after that, we heanded to Daytona Beach. This time the trip was much shorter, just one hour. 
When we arrived to the Hilton Daytona Beach Resort Ocean walk Village hotel, we left the suitcases, and then we stayed all day at the beach. And at night we had dinner at the Bubba Gump restaurant. 
The sixth day: In the morning we did some sightseeing, and then at noon, we heanded to Titusville, where we visited the Kennedy Space Center. For me it has been a great experience, removing the fact that it has been very interesting. 
And finally the last day,  in the morning we returned to the airport of Miami, to catch the plane and return to Spain. 
I think so far have been the best vacation I ever had, and  I would definitely go again.