My name is Bruna I'm 17 years old and I live in Fortià.
So the question is what I expect from my life, at this moment I'm not sure. I know that I want to go to the University and have a college degree, to have a successful future, but I have no idea what I'm going to study. At this moment the only thing I want is to pass 2n Batxillerat (sorry Albert I don't know this word in Inglish and I didn't found on the Internet) with very good marks, to avoid problems of access to the college career that decides to make and for maybe get a scholarship.
The challenge that I have to overcome is that I don't really like to study, yes I study, but just because I have to do it, not because I like, so many times I have to do a big effort to every day after school study a little bit of each subject. So this year I will focus on earning good grades and put my best effort because you become good at things through hard work.
Who definitely help me to stay on track is my family, they never let me down and always support me in every decision I make so what I want is make them proud of me.
The sentence I most like of the Obama's speech is "No one's written your destiny for you" because is the truth, each decision you make, each mistake, you can always change your future, and this for me is the best, because if you fail, you have to let your failures teach you and start again in a different way.
Best wishes,
Bruna Silva